Meant2BFree Yodlee Integration with Salesforce


Meant2BFree emerged as a revolutionary platform, tailored specifically for both coaches and their clients, aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of financial coaching. By integrating cutting-edge technology, Meant2BFree sought to bridge the technological gap often faced by financial coaches, providing them with tools to measure their impact accurately. Through the utilization of Yodlee for data aggregation, Meant2BFree offered a comprehensive view of client financial transactions, enabling the creation of personalized budgets and financial goals, including debt reduction and savings plans. This innovative approach was designed not just to aid in financial planning but to empower individuals towards achieving their financial independence, marked by a calculated "Freedom Date."


The primary challenge Meant2BFree addressed was the lack of access to sophisticated technological tools among financial coaches, a resource widely available to other financial specialists like Certified Financial Planners (CFPs). Financial coaches were at a disadvantage, struggling to provide the same level of data-driven advice and personalized planning. This gap hindered their ability to effectively guide clients towards their financial goals. Moreover, the challenge extended to facilitating meaningful interactions between coaches and clients, where insights into financial habits and progress could be discussed in depth, fostering a more impactful coaching experience.


To overcome these challenges, Meant2BFree leveraged Yodlee for seamless data aggregation, pulling transactional data from client bank accounts to meticulously craft budgets and allocate surplus funds towards specified goals. This process not only streamlined financial planning but also introduced a tangible "Freedom Date," offering clients a clear timeline towards achieving their objectives, be it debt elimination or future savings. Integration with Salesforce was pivotal, enhancing the platform by syncing high-level data. This allowed for enriched coach-client dialogues, grounded in concrete financial data and progress metrics. Additionally, the platform aggregated data to showcase savings and debt elimination on a firm-wide scale, providing valuable insights into the overall impact of financial coaching. By utilizing technologies like Sales Cloud, .Net Core, Amazon Web Service, and Xamarin Forms alongside Yodlee, Meant2BFree succeeded in creating a unique ecosystem that not only equipped financial coaches with state-of-the-art tools but also positioned clients on a path to financial freedom, setting a foundation for future engagement with Certified Financial Planners.

Products Used:

Sales Cloud

.Net Core

Amazon Web Service

Xamarin Forms 


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