About our consultancy firm

We're all about enjoying what we do! It's not often you find a consultancy firm that embraces a laid-back approach while still delivering results promptly. Our pride lies in standing apart from the crowd; it's our unique differences that enable us to bring innovative solutions to the forefront. We pride ourselves on thinking outside the box in a way that's not only cool but also refreshingly different.

The story behind our consulting firm

Our Team - Consulting X Webflow Template

The team behind our firm

Our team is a culmination of people from diverse backgrounds which we believe gives us a competitive advantage.

The team behind our firm

We are a dynamic team of achievers who often take the road less traveled. Embracing our mistakes without fear, we stand by our decisions and learn from them.

Our Story - Consulting X Webflow Template

Our core values & principles

Hard work

We are dedicated go-getters, committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction with the quality of work we deliver.


At times, we may communicate more than necessary to ensure you're fully informed. We're committed to transparency, believing in sharing all details upfront.


Our dedication to providing outstanding services is our top priority for our clients.


We embrace responsibility for our successes and, most importantly, our failures. Acknowledging that perfection is unattainable, we recognize our humanity and strive for continuous improvement.

Team work

We understand that achieving great results is not a solo endeavor. It requires a collaborative team effort to bring forward the most innovative and effective ideas.


We keep up-to-date with the latest technological advancements to guarantee we provide our clients with the most cutting-edge solutions.

Our timeline

From removing computer viruses to building platforms.


New Partner

Partnered with the Meant2BFree Foundation to expose young adults to careers in tech.


Global Presence

We signed our first contract outside of the United States.


First Contract Signed

We earned our first signed 1 year contract.


The Pivot

With the introduction of Salesforce.com from a friend the journey began.


The Beginning

Billie & Co LLC was started, with just the hopes of earning a couple of extra dollars on the side removing viruses from computers.

Trusted by the best companies around the globe
Companies helped
Revenue generated
Successful projects
Optimized budget
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