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Frequently Asked Questions

How big is your consultancy team?

We have a total of ten team members all around the globe with more than half being located in the U.S.

Do you offer consultancy work for international companies?

We do offer our services internationally. Some of our most exciting challenges have come from our international customers!

Do you work with NonProfits?

We do offer services to nonprofits at a discounted price.

How do I get in touch with your consultancy firm team?

You can reach us at help@quantumleapsahead.com or complete the form above.

Do you offer consultancy services on an hourly basis?

Yes, we do offer hourly consultant services. Our clients receive the best value when they sign up for our Managed Services package.

Do you have any kind of money-back guarantee?

If you are not 100% satisfied with the delivery of your project, you can get your money back. Guaranteed.

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